Educational Resources – IEP/504

GED Classes

Several organizations offer free classes for GED preparation in the Southwest Alabama area. For a list of agencies in the area, click GED Classes in Mobile, AL.

Alabama Parent Education Center

The Alabama Parent Education Center (APEC) is a non-profit organized by parents, educators, and professionals serving families formed to provide parents with training and information to help them become meaningful participants in their children’s education. Visit APEC.

Information Chart

IEP Information Chart is an information chart you might find helpful. It was prepared by the Alabama Parent Education Center (APEC). The chart can help both you and the school staff prepare for an IEP or 504 meeting. Transition planning for youth is key to helping our youth reach their maximum potential.

Alabama School Connection A great site that keeps many informed about educational matters and it is not biased. It is a great resource at this time to stay in the knowing.